You will be paid every Friday by TJW Contract Solutions LTD “TJW”.
You will be deducted 20% tax by TJW on every payment.
You will NOT be charged a payroll fee by TJW.
You will be charged a (optional) £2.95 per week site insurance fee.
You will be paid every Friday by Grain Carpentry Solutions Limited “Grain” on receipt of an invoice
You will be deducted 20% tax by Grain unless you are gross payment status
You will have to provide a certificate of corporation, company bank details, VAT certificate and insurance certificate
You will be paid every Friday by TJW Contract Solutions LTD “TJW”.
You will be deducted tax, EENI and ERNI by TJW on every payment.
You will NOT be charged a payroll fee by TJW.
You will be charged a (optional) £2.95 per week site insurance fee.